
Events for May 18, 2024

For the schedule of weekday and Shabbat services, please click here. For a list of our weekly ongoing classes, please click here.


Shavuot Services

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore

Erev Shavuot - Thursday, May 25th Shacharit - 7:00am Minchah/Ma’ariv - 8:05pm Shavuot - Friday, May 26th Shacharit - 8:45am Dinner - 6:30pm (by RSVP only) Minchah/Ma’ariv - 8:05pm (to be followed by kiddush, ice cream, cheesecake, and learning - all are invited and encouraged to attend) Shavuot - Shabbat, May 27th Shacharit - 8:45am Yom Tov ends - 9:05pm

Shavuot and Shabbat Dinner

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore

Please join us on Friday, May 26th at 6:30pm for a Shavuot and Shabbat dairy dinner! The cost is only $10/person and limited to the first 100 people to RSVP. You can RSVP below and send in your payment at this link (please put Shavuot Dinner in the comments), or by calling the main office at 410-653-7485 during normal business…
