Sisterhood is a concept we take for granted, but never really define, other than that sense of being “one”, a group of like-minded Jewish women dedicated to an organization, a way of life, and a synagogue.
The “Power of One,” a passionate phrase; people think that love leads to giving, but the truth is that through acts of giving, we come to love. The “Power of One,” a united group of women making their work and participation in Sisterhood defining moments in their lives.
Join us and you too will feel like one of our group in no time – enjoying, participating, and hopefully becoming as active as you care to be.
Annual dues are only $36 and, as succinctly put by our late Board Chair, of blessed memory, Dottie Finkelstein, “Your Dues at Work.” The money we raise has helped support:
– Stained glass windows in the sanctuary
– Flowers on the Bimah
– Refreshments for the congregation during Purim, Yom Kippur, Sukkot
– Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund and Matzah Fund
– Chanukah gifts for the rabbis, office staff, and custodial staff
– Entertainment and food for eight general Sisterhood meetings
– Candle holders for all Bat Mitzvahs
– Religious books
– Obituary notices
– Charitable donations to various organizations
Our ongoing fundraising activities also include the sale of Giant gift cards, mitzvah cards, prayer books, leaves on the Tree of Life, and the Happy Occasion Board.