
Events for March 5 - Aug 13, 2024

For the schedule of weekday and Shabbat services, please click here. For a list of our weekly ongoing classes, please click here.

The Great Chometz Kiddush

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

Join us on Saturday, April 20th after Shabbat services for The Great Chometz Kiddush! Bring in any unopened bags or boxes of ready to eat, non-perishable chometz (cookies, cakes, bread, etc.) to share for a giant potluck Kiddush. This event is for members only. Please note all food must have a valid kosher symbol.

The Great Matzah Kiddush

Join us on Tuesday, April 30th after Pesach services for The Great Matzah Kiddush! Bring in any opened or unopened bags or boxes of ready to eat Passover food to share for a giant potluck Kiddush. This event is for members only. Please note all food must have a valid Pesach kosher symbol.

Shavuot Lunch & Learning

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

Celebrate Shavuot at MMAE on Wednesday, June 12th with lunch and learning with Rabbi Finkelstein! This program is free to attend and no RSVP is required, but is it for MMAE members only. Schedule of Events Shavuot Services: 8:45am Hot Dairy Lunch: Immediately following services First Class with Rabbi Finkelstein: 12:30pm Cheesecake Dessert Break: 1:15pm Second Class with Rabbi Finkelstein:…

Tisha B’Av Schedule of Services (2024/5784)

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

The fast of Tisha B'Av begins on Monday, August 12 at 8:05pm and ends on Tuesday, August 13 at 8:46pm. Services for Tisha B'Av are as follows: Monday, August 12: Mincha/Ma'ariv/Eicha at 7:00pm Tuesday, August 13: Shacharit (including Kinot) at 7:00am Tuesday, August 13: Mincha/Ma'ariv at 7:00pm

Tisha B’Av Schedule of Activities (2024/5786)

The following Tisha B'Av programs will take place on Tuesday, August 13: Seminars Presented by Yeshivat Maharat and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Explanatory Kinnot (10:00am-12:00pm) Regrets, Lesser Evils, and Dirty Hands: Rabbinic Approach to Tisha B'Av (12:30-1:30pm) The Laws of Aveilut, the Nine Days, and Tisha B'Av (1:45-2:45pm) These seminars will all take place on Zoom at drisha.org/classes. You can also…

October 7th Memorial Tashlich

Lake Roland Park 1043 Lakeside Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

“Tashlich” means “casting off” in Hebrew and involves a ceremony symbolizing the casting off of your sins. October 7th, 2023 was the worst massacre of Jew since the Holocaust. Join us at Lake Roland Park (1043 Lakeside Drive) on Monday, October 7th at 6:00pm for a special memorial Tashlich ceremony. Just as we cast off our sins, should we cast…

Simchat Torah Hakafot

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

Join us on Thursday, October 24th at 7:20pm and celebrate Simchat Torah at MMAE! We will dance with and hold the Torahs, have treats for the kids, and celebrate this holiday with tremendous joy, rejoicing, and love for the Torah!

Sisterhood Chanukah Luncheon

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

Please join the MMAE Sisterhood on Tuesday, December 24 at 12:00pm for their annual Hanukkah Luncheon! The cost is only $18 per person and friends/guests are welcome to join. Please RSVP to Marcia Greenfield at 410-486-3113 by December 18.

Hanukkah Concert – In The Arms of our Mothers

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

The Katz Music Venue presents "In The Arms of our Mothers," a Hanukkah celebration of music, song, and dance as we honor the heroic women of our history! Featuring: Meira Mandel Hinda Rachel Yael Friedman Sara Leeba Caplan Nomi Gordon When: Sunday, December 29th, 7:30pm Where: Katz Music Venue at MMAE (7000 Rockland Hills Drive) Cost: $18 per person RSVP/Tickets:…

MMAE Hanukkah Party

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

Celebrate Hanukkah with MMAE on Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 at our community-wide Hanukkah Party! Starting at 5:00pm, there will be a large menorah lighting, dinner, a dreidel competition, a latke eating contest, a raffle, arts and crafts, and a concert by LevSoul! This event is free and open to the entire community.

Rosh Chodesh Adar Women’s Event

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

Join the women of MMAE on Sunday, March 2nd from 3:00-4:30pm for a Rosh Chodesh event to welcome the Hebrew month of Adar with joy, learning, and spiritual growth! Together we will: - Learn the mitzvot of Purim - Decorate containers for Misloach Manot (we will provide the supplies and you'll fill the baskets with your own treats, although you…


Purim Unfolded – The History Behind The Megillah

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD, United States

Join Rabbi Kubach to explore the historical events leading up to Purim, focusing on the key figures of the Megillah, including Achashverosh, Haman, Mordechai, and Esther. This class will take place both at MMAE and on Zoom (Meeting ID: 640 630 9096; Passcode: 433900).