
Tag: Orthodox Judaism


Pesach Is The Holiday of Freedom – But What Is “Freedom?”

Pesach is the holiday of freedom. We celebrate how our ancestors were once slaves in Egypt, and how God redeemed us with an out-stretched Arm and brought us to freedom. And if God hadn’t redeemed us, we would still be slaves today. But is it really? After all, what is this “freedom?” After all, in only a few months, we…


The Most Important Value of the Pesach Seder is Heartfelt Authenticity

Dear MMAE Family, In Parshas Shemini, which we just read, the Torah commands the kohanim to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages before they do the service in the Mishkan or Temple. The Torah goes on to explain the reason- a crucial part of the kohain’s job is to differentiate between “pure and impure, holy and unholy”. In order to differentiate,…


Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Shul to Hold “Mitzvahthon for Ukraine”

Around the globe, compassionate individuals are watching the tragic events unfold in Ukraine and trying to devise ways to come to the aid of desperate refugees there in the wake of the Russian invasion. Some offer thoughts and prayers, while others write a check. The folks at Pikesville’s Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Hebrew Congregation feel they’ve come up with an…


Jewish Music Venue To Come To MMAE

As reported in the Baltimore Jewish Times, Baltimore will be getting a new music venue specially dedicated to Jewish music performances, courtesy of Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Hebrew Congregation. “There is [an] active culture and scene of Jewish music, but I’ve never heard of a venue that specializes in hosting and promoting Jewish music,” Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro said. “Typically, concerts…


Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Turns Rabbis Into Leaders

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Hebrew Congregation’s rabbinic residency program is actively creating the next generation of rabbinic leaders in America. “It’s a post smicha internship, or I would call it a fellowship, to give new rabbis real life experience and better prepare them to enter their own careers as pulpit rabbis,” said Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro. Shapiro had the idea for…